Tuesday, March 13, 2012

That Person.

I ache when I see him,
I ache when I can't see him
I'm miserable when he's here
and I'm miserable when he's not
I'm miserable when he smiles at me
and I'm miserable when he smiles at others
If he calls my name, I'm miserable
If he don't call my name, I'm miserable
As long as the earth doesn't swallow me up this instant,
I will continue to be miserable
but I would rather have him here
Then I can act like I can't stand him
That would be better than not having him here

and yes, I'll like him
no matter where he goes
no matter what women come to his life
even if I'm not a part of his life anymore

because to me if it meant to be then it won't matter

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